Camp Hanes

Camp Hanes

I was bursting with anticipation , for the first time I was going on an overnight field trip.Getting on the bus, I was bracing for a long, exasperating bus ride, but I was still excited. My guess of a long, excruciating bus ride was off. The bus ride included a movie, an excellent view, and students loudly singing.As we got to Camp Hanes, I took a deep breath of fresh mountain air.

After we all got settled in our cabins, we did activities such as archery, canoeing, and rock climbing. Rock climbing was my personal favorite. At rock climbing we did many things, one was as might be expected, climbing vertically up a wall.There were other things though, there was a sky-hammock that could be reached by a group of rock-climbing-panels, and could be descended from with some tree branches that could be climbed with.

Camp Hanes was an extremely fun experience that was interrupted by the menace of  Hurricane Ian. But overall, the camp was quite fun.On the ride back from Camp Hanes, the movie Ratatouille was on, I enjoyed that, as Ratatouille is one of my favorite movies. After we got back, we had an assortment of fun activities to do, fun but not as fun as hiking at Camp Hanes would have been. At dismissal, it was very rainy and ugly outside, but that didn’t stop me from excitedly running to my mom’s car and telling her all about this experience. I loved Camp Hanes because it was one of the most fun, engaging field trips I’ve ever taken.

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